They provide a skirmishing force for the legion. Pedites Extraordinarii (Early) (Camillan Elite Hoplite Maniple) The best fifth of the allied triarii are designated as extraordinarii – indeed, extraordinary soldiers.Īccensi (Camillan Levy Slingers) Slingers levied from among the poorest Romans – too poor to afford most equipment. Rorarii (Early) (Camillan Reserve Maniple) The spear-armed Rorarii are a reserve troop of light infantry, that can quickly reach a crisis point in battle. These men hold their position in the third line of the Roman Manipular Legion. Triarii (Early) (Camillan Veteran Maniple) Wealthy and experienced citizen soldiers armed with spears and large shields. Principes Samnitici (Early) (Camillan Heavy Spear Maniple) More experienced and heavily armed allied troops form part of the second line, on the flanks of the Roman centre.

They are armed with spears and large shields like the hastati, but have better armour. Principes (Early) (Camillan Heavy Spear Maniple) Wealthy and older Roman citizens, the principes are the main heavy infantry force. These men form the front line on the flanks of the Roman hastati. Hastati Samnitici (Early) (Camillan Light Spear Maniple) The Socii provide medium-grade infantry for Rome. Hastati (Early) (Camillan Light Spear Maniple) These young men are the armoured front line of a Roman legion, equipped with a spear and square shield.